Evaluation Of Myself

What did I learn from directing and making ‘A Journey To Paradise’? What can I carry over to my third year project ‘The One Who Looks’? A shot list is a good idea, but you know what is an even better idea? a story board! Me and Rob were talking about what we could improve, and while going through the shot list on the last day we decided that next time, a storyboard would be a really good idea, it’s easy and everyone can see what is going on. I also discovered that I should probably interact with the actor more, I felt like I was a bit distant from her and should have conveyed my ideas a bit more. I learnt that you should look for an actor way in advance of filming, leaving it to the last couple of weeks is something you shouldn’t do. It causes more problems than it’s worth. Get a set designer, I allocated too much work to myself, and it probably no looked crap. Get a costume designer, like I said, I gave myself too much work.  Being a director is not something you can research, I don’t care what anyone says, It’s something you have to learn through experience.

Bellow is just a small rough part of what I managed to create, the final film is about 27 minutes long and something I’m quite proud of as I have yet to create anything that length. Watching it back I wish I could have improved the actors performance a bit, I should have been paying attention more. It seemed great while watching it, but on camera it looks different. Next time I think I should be watching screen more than watching real life.

All in all directing a crew has been fun, working closely with other people makes it easier to create a professional film and get the job done. You also gain other insights to your work and learn how to improve along the way which i found very helpful.

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