Shooting A Journey Day 3


Day three of shooting, everyone spirits were up and we were ready to run! We got to the location but it being a Sunday IT WAS PACKED WITH PEOPLE PLAYING MUSIC FROM THEIR CARS. So I made the decision to change location rather than mess up the sound. I had a back up location in mind anyway. We got down there as fast as we could and started filming. It went off pretty well, and there were some animals about to capture too. The sound here was a lot better because it was really quiet, the only problem was a road, but even then cars came only periodically.  So yeah we got that scene done and then it was onto the final scene, the submerge scene.


So now we were on the home stretch. It took ages to film this scene, but we got it done. The actor did a really good job of walking into the lake and putting herself under. Everything got a bit confusing towards the end with the shot list, being that we only had one costume, so we had to film it in a specific order so not to show her costume getting wet weirdly.  The Robs left it down to me to just tell them what to do, and it worked really well they trusted me and I trusted them.



The next scene was the final scene, the stasis scene. It was really simple to be honest, so I don’t have much to say about it. We wobbled the table to create turbulence and flashed coloured gells in front of the lights to create fire.



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